Electronic Room Nights Increase 24.4% in Middle East

TravelCLICK's eMonitor Reports Top 10 Destinations in Middle East

. October 14, 2008

OCTOBER 25, 2006. TravelCLICK's eMonitor results for the second quarter of 2006 show a 24.4 percent increase over the second quarter of 2005 in room nights booked electronically through the Global Distribution Systems (GDS) and key Internet sites for the Middle East. Worldwide electronic room nights also increased, up 5.7 percent for the second quarter of 2006. The Average Daily Rate (ADR) for hotels in the Middle East was $209.05, an increase of 15.2 percent over the second quarter of 2005. This increase is double the 7.6 percent worldwide growth in ADR.

eMonitor results are compiled from TravelCLICK's comprehensive database, which is the exclusive source of hotel industry electronic distribution data from the Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan GDS. TravelCLICK's eMonitor also includes hotel bookings made through third-party travel Internet websites powered by Pegasus Solutions.

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