MFHA Straight Talk Career Enhancement Symposium

. October 14, 2008

NEW ORLEANS, LA, September 15, 2006. Celebrating its 10th Anniversary the Multicultural Foodservice and Hospitality Alliance (MFHA), a non-profit organization promoting the economic benefits of diversity in the industry, will host a mini-conference in New Orleans, October 4 -5, 2006. Held at The Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, the first New Orleans Straight Talk Career Enhancement Symposium will offer workshops and information sessions aimed at maximizing the potential of mid-level managers. Welcome ceremonies will be lead by Leah Chase, co-owner and renowned chef at New Orleans' famous "Dooky Chase" restaurant, and Gerry Fernandez, President and Founder of MFHA. The event is a national symposium and the MFHA hopes that it will draw participants from around the country luring much needed conventioneers to a still suffering post-Katrina tourism industry. In addition to supporting the city's tourism efforts, the MFHA is also offering FREE admission to the first 100 Gulf South attendees who register for the event (a valid Louisiana and Mississippi driver's license is required). A $250 value, interested persons can register by contacting MFHA directly via email at (subject line: FREE Admission for New Orleans Symposium) or via phone by calling Michelle Miller at #401.461.6347.

The FREE admission offer is available on a first-come, first-served basis for the first 100 people who contact MFHA.

"Being that our organization is only ten years old, we had always planned to host an event in New Orleans. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina made us realize that we needed to get to New Orleans sooner rather than later as the foodservice and hospitality industry in New Orleans continues to face a variety of challenges as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Just one of those challenges is the rapidly changing composition of the New Orleans workforce following the storm. Thus, it is now more important than ever that multicultural workplace training be implemented not only to bridge communication with the Hispanic community but to also encourage and develop African Americans and other minorities to grow from hourly employees to industry and civic leaders," stated Gerry Fernandez, MFHA founder and president.

Highlights of the 2-day symposium include a senior industry leadership panel and discussion focusing on rebuilding and recruiting in post-Katrina New Orleans, as well as a special Urban Education seminar in which Executive Chef Jeffrey Henderson of Caf'e Bellagio, Bellagio Casino Las Vegas will speak to high school students about his personal and professional journey in the hospitality industry from prison in-mate to Executive Chef of Caf'e Bellagio. A well-known role model for all children but especially those from inner-city America, all Louisiana Restaurant Association Pro-Start schools from around the state have been invited to attend the student session with the MFHA providing buses for all interested students in the greater New Orleans area.

The October seminar is a "must attend" for mid-level managers and directors of color, and non-minority executives working in diversity-rich settings and other professionals interested in creating a diverse workplace through the development of minorities. Attendance at the Symposium is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is limited to 300 persons. The cost to register is $250 per person ($175 for MFHA members) and can be done by calling Michelle Miller at #401.461.6347 or by visiting Registration begins August 8, 2006; the registration fee is waived for all registered covering journalists. For more information on the Straight Talk Professional Development Symposium in New Orleans visit An overview of the agenda follows:


October 4 and 5, 2006


2:00 - 2:15 pm

Welcome: Leah Chase, Co-owner and Chef at New Orleans' Famous Dooky Chase Restaurant, and Gerry Fernandez, MFHA Founder and President

2:15 - 2:45 pm


Michael C. Hyter, Novations CEO

Concurrent Student Session

Jeffrey Henderson, Caf'e Bellagio Executive Chef (Youth Motivational Speaker)

3:00 - 5:00 pm

Workshop: A Taste of Efficacy (Novations)

5:00 - 6:30 pm

Reception: A Taste of New Orleans


8:00 - 9:00 am

Breakfast with Chef Giovanna

9:30 - 11:30 am

Workshop: Survival Spanish and Cultural Immersion (Workforce Language Services)

11:45- 12:15 pm

New Orleans Industry Panel

12:15 - 1:30 pm

Networking Lunch

About the Multicultural Foodservice and Hospitality Alliance: Headquartered in Providence, R.I., the Multicultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance (MFHA) is a non-profit organization that promotes the economic benefits of diversity and inclusion in the restaurant, foodservice and hospitality industry. Founded by Gerry Fernandez in 1996, MFHA's business model centers around the image of a Dinner Table of Opportunity with four seats, each representing an industry component: workforce, customers, community and suppliers. MFHA's goal is to create programs and develop strategies for the needs and challenges of each "seat," allowing the diversity of cultures, ideas and perspectives from each component to provide the industry with the richest resources to advance, remain competitive and attract the best talent. To learn more about this inspiring organization, visit

MFHA's organizational sponsors include American Express, Cargill, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company, Nation's Restaurant News, and PepsiCo Foodservice. Diamond level sponsors include ARAMARK, Morrison Management Specialists and Yum! Brands, Inc. MFHA's wide contingent of organizational sponsors encompass all of the industry's leaders and can be found at

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