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Gini Dietrich

No longer are hotel goers "thinking big" when they book their reservations. Small, themed, and unique hotels frequently steal guests from the most luxurious of hotels. Whether large or small, the difference between a successful hotel and one with far too many vacancies often is simple - a solid public relations plan that delivers essential information to entice potential guests. A strong public relations plan complements your business goals. By increasing brand awareness among targeted groups of prospective guests, you can grow sales and revenues. Following a precise public relations plan including contributes to the goals of any hotel owner. READ MORE

John Ely

This article provides just a few ways to help promote your hotel's brand by utilizing the reservations staff - there are many more. The Internet has changed the way we shop and research services and products. It represents a better opportunity to promote your brand than the old days when mass advertising was all that existed. Remember, even with online booking services, many potential guests still make a call into the property to learn more. Either way, by personalizing the experience you can raise your chances of landing that prospect. READ MORE

Brenda Fields

The advancement of technology has made the world a smaller place. Movies, television, and now the Internet have created a world which has fostered a better understanding of and access to different cultures. But, does this familiarity and exposure lessen cultural characteristics or nuances? Is it correct to assume that this familiarity creates instant purchases of your product? And does this also ensure that your product will be selected over your competition in these markets? This article will address key components to consider when planning and implementing global marketing campaigns or initiatives or in just reaching specific international markets. READ MORE

Marjorie Silverman

There is a hush in the concert hall. All the players are in place. Our talented concierge maestro pauses for a moment reflecting on the complexity of his performance depending on so many others to make it happen. He raises his baton with humility, confidence, finesse and pride; he knows when to call on the strings, the brass, the woodwinds and the timpani. The global concierge chorus is ready to sing. They all acutely feel the expectations of the sophisticated audience and together they are ready to dazzle with their music. READ MORE

Richard Dahm

As oil penetrates the $130-a-barrel mark and natural gas prices increase to rates four times what they were since the late 1990s, the use of green building (or building green) has taken seed to a new beginning to reform the cost of energy across all sections of industry. Green building is no longer just another popular cause or fad; it is here to stay as a vital and profitable part of the commercial real estate and construction industries. Anyone in the building trades or anyone involved with real estate investing or leasing needs to understand fully -- green building trends, opportunities, and consequences that can affect all areas including building codes, insurance rates, employee health, customer satisfaction, and more. This article will set out to serve as a survey of the important fundamentals and forecasts of what has happened and what will happen going forward in the efforts to build a green environment. READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...