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David Benton

There is no question that the overall demand by travelers for the "extra" touches and the impact it makes on repeat business is driving hoteliers to outdo their competitors. Are hotels with the latest and greatest attracting more guests? Absolutely. Join the bandwagon or be left behind. Let's take a glance at some of the offerings from yesteryear and today. READ MORE

Gary Henkin

In Part I of our series on spa development, the importance of planning, the value of feasibility studies and avoiding design pitfalls was discussed. As mentioned previously, it is crucial to proceed cautiously when planning your spa and to ensure that there has been enough due diligence to make the most appropriate decisions regarding size, scope and potential location. As critical as it is to offer the most aesthetically pleasing and functional space through a thoughtful and comprehensive design process, it is equally important to "stage" your spa for a smooth and successful launch. This requires a focus on what the ultimate objectives will be and a definition of how the spa will ultimately operate in presenting itself for guest and public use. Questions such as how to maximize revenue and profits, and how the spa can best impact room nights and yield should be addressed. READ MORE

Gary Henkin

In order to ensure that a hotel or resort spa will offer a truly memorable experience while maximizing revenue and potential for a positive bottom line, one item is of critical importance. Perhaps the most important decision that will influence the success or failure of a spa operation is to select staff that will "make a difference". Putting it another way, will guests and other spa patrons remember their experience as one that is delineative and memorable in some way, and one they wish to share with spouses, friends or colleagues? Spas may be beautifully designed and have a wonderful and diverse menu of services; however, if the staff aren't really attuned to their customers, friendly in their demeanor and well trained, the entire spa experience can be ruined before it ever starts. In our view, staff selection and training is the make or break decision for most spas and leisure facilities. Yet, in many cases, not enough time, effort or emphasis is placed on this crucial area. READ MORE

Kevin Batters

Most, if not all, of the major hotel companies have restaurants in their hotels. This allows for a fantastic opportunity and advantage when creating a unique banquet menu. The attitude my team has taken, is to reflect the theme of the restaurants at each property and allow this style to flow into banquets. Food and beverage directors must take great care and place major emphasis on not offering generic fare and items that seem to be on so many catering menus. READ MORE

Steven Ferry

Kiss goodbye to the products your spa sells, or even vitamins from the supermarket. Codex Alimentarius is Latin for "laws governing what people may put down their throats" - and by extension, manufacture, sell, discuss, and possess on the subject. The requirements of Codex Alimentarius will come into full force worldwide on 31 December, 2009. Each country involved in a trade dispute under the aegis of the World Trade Organizaton, will automatically lose its case if it is not compliant with Codex Alimentarius, irrespective of the merits of the case it is disputing. This is forcing every country to align its national/state laws with Codex. READ MORE

Coming up in March 1970...